Susan Osborn, Ph.D., a national leader in one-on-one college admissions, test prep, and academic and LD tutoring
Over 90% of Our Students Gain Admission to at Least One of Their Top Three Colleges
Susan Osborn, Ph.D., founded The Writing Center of Princeton with one goal: to help your child excel in school and to make sure that your child earns admission to an Ivy League university or other top-ranked college.
At The Writing Center of Princeton, we work with you right from the start of your child’s academic career to make sure that your child receives all the essay writing, language arts, test prep, and college essay writing and admissions support needed to excel in school and when applying to college.
At WCP, we create a targeted, personally tailored, strategic curriculum for each student that is designed to help your child develop an academic edge and succeed when applying to college. Our research-based, classroom-tested strategies go beyond academic content to teach your child critical thinking skills, mental flexibility, and communication skills, all skills needed to get an advantage in school, in college, and in life.
As a result of our strategic and personalized approach, WCP’s clients have been admitted to the most selective universities in the world including Cambridge University, Oxford University, Harvard University, MIT, Princeton University, Yale University, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Chicago, UC Berkley, and UCLA.
WCP’s tutors specialize in helping students with ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, and anxiety disorders develop the writing skills they need to succeed in school and in college. Support for LD students takes many forms and can include writing tutoring, 504 and IEP accommodations and advocacy, and strategizing college applications.
College counseling and admissions work includes an evaluation of your child’s background in academic, personal, and extracurricular areas and support in articulating and developing an application strategy designed to optimize admissions chances. Tutoring sessions include an assessment-based, personalized plan to address your child’s specific writing and test prep needs. Each tutoring and test prep session is goal-oriented and employs assignments and activities designed to ensure that your child progresses quickly.
Education 2.0 Conference Outstanding Leadership Award 2024
Featured in Jersey’s Best
“We were so impressed by the wealth of skills Susan brought to each of our daughter’s writing tutoring sessions.”
Aranya, Kirkland, WA mom of Deerfield Academy 9th grader
about the founder and director
Dr. Osborn has spent over 30 years in education, teaching in the Writing Program and English department at Rutgers University, in the lab at The New Jersey Center for Research on Writing, in admissions at Vassar College, and as a private tutor, college consultant, and public speaker. As such, she brings decades of experience, dynamic professional resources, and personalized client support to each college consulting and tutoring relationship.
Dr. Osborn is also an award-winning writer and scholar and she brings both her education smarts and her writing smarts to every tutoring and college counseling relationship.
Susan started tutoring students in college admissions strategies, test prep, and writing and English language arts over fifteen years ago. Since then, she has guided parents and students through all the challenges of the college admissions process, English language arts and writing instruction, SAT and ACT test prep, and learning disabilities as a tutor, consultant, and public speaker.
If your child needs help building a college admissions strategy and writing successful college admissions essays, developing an extracurricular profile that will boost college admissions chances, preparing for the SAT, ACT, or AP tests, English language arts and writing, or is struggling with learning disabilities, Susan can help.
WCP works with students and college applicants from all over the world via Skype, Zoom, FaceTime, phone, and Google docs.

a note to parents of students
Our core values are integrity, responsibility, innovation, and excellence, and our work with your family is guided by our determination to make a difference in your children’s lives, and to provide your children with whatever academic, test prep, and college admissions support they need. We love kids, we love what we do, and we work every day to bring all of our motivation and knowledge to you and your family. We assure you that we will provide you with a knowledgeable, qualified, personal, and inspiring tutoring experience. Most important, we know you are looking for results and you can count on us to do everything we can to make sure your children achieve academic excellence.